Applying the Bhagavadgita principles to our materialistic chaos everyday-1
Feeling blessed Recollecting a conversation with a renowned devotee HG Rohinipriya Prabhu in applying Bhagavadgita principles in our day to day life..
Here’s my interaction with Rohinipriyadas Prabhuji and his answers for my immature questions …
1. How well we can practice the Bhagavadgita teachings in our daily lives that are materialistic and we still might have to deal with day to day things (prejudice, egos, love , hurt, insults ) sometimes which we can’t escape ? What can we do to practice the principles despite of all these ?
### Prabhuji explained with an excellent analogy of a physician , protecting himself from germs spreading around- that we should be the protector of our own spiritual immunity . The transformation happens over the time with the knowledge which helps not only to keep us protected but also our environment. No matter what the consequences are , we should keep practicing the principles from the Bhagavadgita with continuous Sadhana such that teachings/knowledge becomes alive in our existence.
Our actions should be the reflex of the knowledge we acquired and there comes a point where the application of knowledge becomes living the knowledge (when the gnan becomes vignan)..
2. As they say , the Bhagavadgita is the one solution for all the problems of life — how can I change/set my approach to get the best out of my life as per the Scripture ?
### Prabhuji made it simple for me , “ The basic/easy principle to understand and practice is “ I am not the body but I am the spirit soul but not this body”. Implanting this knowledge to our consciousness might take a day, week , month , year or even lifetime but what really matters at the end is understanding the purpose of our existence and finding the joy in devotional service which at one point makes even the body spiritualized .
3. What all the things that can go wrong if we try to understand the Bhagavadgita in the light of Non duality ?
### If we try to understand the Bhagavadgita only in the light of Non duality , we may not under our spiritual existence completely . The idea that everything is one is not complete without establishing the connection between the soul and supreme .
4. How are we sure that previous generations did not ave a stress in their lives and that we will have more stress than them? They surely didn’t have the same type of stress as we do. But saying that they had less stress compared to us and that our kids will have more stress than us doesn’t seem right to me somehow. Is there any empirical proof for this?
### Previous generation also had the stress but they had the strong spiritual foundation to deal with the stress. Stress can be taken as positive — a growth opportunity or negative, leading to misery.
In our current generation, focus is on material advancement and that means spiritually people are weak and so when instance of stress happens, it leads to misery rather than as a learning opportunity.
With the strong spiritual foundation one can convert any stressful situation as a learning opportunity, this will lead to growth, just like formation of diamond under the stress of earth..